What are the requirements to join?

Minimum requirements are 5 million skill points, 3 months of in-game history and an Omega subscription to the game. You also need to have a working mic, pass our ESI security checks on corp, alliance and coalition level, and be 18 years or older to apply.

how do i join?

Start by heading to our Discord where you can fill out an application via a ticket in the #apply-to-join channel. You’ll be contacted by our Recruitment Director within 24 hours, following which a short chat in comms will take place, finalising in a background check via ESI. We will contact you via your application ticket if you are successful.

where do i start?

Upon acceptance we’ll send across a welcome pack that details all the necessary steps to get going. New members will also benefit from a dedicated mentorship program within their first month of joining, and our #information channel in Discord contains a wealth of material on a huge range of topics.

can i bring my alts?

Absolutely. You can bring as many as you like into the corp, but please note we do have some restrictions on out-of-corp toons that must be adhered to.

where does the corp live?

SOUSN operates out of Querious, and is a member of the Brave Collective alliance, which in turn is a member of the Imperium coalition. Most of our operations occur in nullsec, but we do occasionally venture into lowsec too.

what timezone is the corp in?

SOUSN is primarily an EUTZ corp, with a sizeable minority of USTZ players. Our alliance, Brave Collective, is a large group that features activity in all timezones.

what are the rules?

Aside from the joining requirements and our alliance/coalition general policies on behaviour, our only rule is a zero tolerance for drama and aggressive behaviour. Eve is a game and we’re here to have a good time. SOUSN has no fleet requirements besides in rare times of dire need, though we run a monthly incentive aimed to increase fleet participation.

I’m a returning player, can I rejoin?

Provided your terms of departure were amicable, absolutely! If you’re known to us, simply drop into our Discord and open a new application ticket, and we’ll be happy to welcome you back on board.